Indivisible Yolo newsletter 05/27/24

13 mins read

Indivisible Yolo General Meeting – Next Steps

We gathered on Zoom last Monday to hear from Indivisible co-founder and co-Executive Director Leah Greenberg.  Her message: we’re less than six months out from an election that will determine one of two futures. Either, a world where we have won the seats that we need to flip the house, held the Senate and Presidency, and we’re rolling right on to pass our legislative agenda: to protect our freedoms and protect our democracy, that restores reproductive freedom, that guarantees and secures voting rights, that ensures health care, climate action, labor rights and so much more for our people.  Or, we’re in the world where the MAGA forces are back in control of the federal government where Donald Trump is running rampant, weaponizing federal agencies to go after his enemies and enriching his friends, where basically we — ourselves, our neighbors and our friends — are all under attack for who we are.

And it’s up to us to get that message out to voters.

Then we detailed our effort to make that happen in US House battleground races in the Central Valley CA and in NV and AZ, both swing states with critical electoral votes and toss-up Senate races we need to win to hold the Senate.  To help our volunteers learn how to best engage, we reviewed how to access  opportunities on the calendar on the IY homepage or via the IY link trees calendar.

For those of you who were unable to attend, an excerpt from the Zoom recording of Leah Greenberg’s comments is now available on our YouTube channel.  You can also find the new Firebreak video produced by the CA Grassroots Alliance that we shared at the meeting on our YouTube channel.

Recording of the Leah Greenberg @ General Meeting on YouTube
Firebreak: Stop MAGA save Democracy on YouTube

Next Up: VEPE Team, Canvassing Trips to Reno & Merced


Davis – May 30  Meeting at Davis Library 6:30 PM (Zoom optional)

Learn more about our Voter Education Protection and Empowerment (VEPE) team – and our current work on the Blue Voter Guide.

You must register in advance to participate by Zoom.

RSVP: VEPE team May 30 @ 6:30pm

Next Up: Canvassing Trips to Reno & Merced – Make a Date Now and Bring a Friend:

Reno – June 1 & 2

Please join our canvas team in Reno for a day or a weekend on June 1st/June 2nd.  Register now and let us know early so we can help with carpool and lodging options. Nevada is a triple impact State where our efforts can make the difference for holding the White House, Senate, and taking back the House. Your personal conversation with voters is the best way you can help. Full orientation will be provided and you will have all the support needed!  Some plan to drive up for the day and some will stay overnight for canvassing on Sunday and joining a group dinner Saturday to share their stories.

RSVP for Reno canvass June 1 and 2

Merced – Saturday June 8

Plan now to join our canvas team in Merced on June 8th! The road to keeping the US House runs through the Central Valley. Our goal is to leave literature and talk to voters who are undecided, or are Democrats and sometimes forget to vote. Join us for a one-day action and share a ride in a carpool, or grab a friend and meet us there!

RSVP for Merced canvass June 8

Indivisible Yolo In Action – Phone Banking

The fight for victory in November is well underway, and we’ve got two easy opportunities each week for you to reach voters in critical battlegrounds from the comfort of your home!

On Tuesdays, from 5-7pm join Rachel on Zoom to call Arizona voters in support of Arizona for Abortion Access, the campaign to put an Arizona state constitutional amendment protecting the abortion rights on the November ballot. The work being done in Arizona to protect abortion rights is truly inspiring. You do not want to sit this one out!

On Thursdays,from 5-7pm join Emily, Rachel, and Jeanette on Zoom to call California voters in one of 6 critical California Congressional districts (CA-13, CA-22, CA-27, CA-41, CA-45, and CA-47) widely considered the path to regaining the House majority. This work is fundamental to all of our goals, and it’s in our own backyard.

As always, we welcome newbies and experienced callers alike and stand by to help you use your precious volunteer time effectively.

RSVP: Arizona for Abortion Access Tuesdays @ 5-7pm
RSVP: Thursdays for California @ 5-7pm

Fundraising – One Goal Met; Other Opportunities Continue

Thank you for helping us achieve our $500 matching funds goal!  And thanks to all who have contributed generously to the Central Valley groups on our donor page.

While we believe that building long-term strength is more effective through supporting groups who work year round rather than just during campaigns, we also know that candidates in the Central Valley need funding. Our local allies, the Verbs 2024, along with their Sacramento partners, Together for Democracy, are hosting a fundraiser for Rudy Salas (CA-22) here in Davis June 8.

IY donations page
Verbs & Together for Democracy fundraiser for Rudy Salas

Withhold arms transfers to Israel and tell our MoC not to undermine the rule of law

In response to news that the Biden administration is considering supporting congressional action against the International Criminal Court, Indivisible released the following statement:

“For months, Indivisible has urged President Biden to break from Prime Minister Netanyahu and use more diplomatic leverage to stop the killing in Gaza. Netanyahu and his government are perpetrating a brutal war with enormous civilian loss of life, through direct bombing and gunfire, as well as from restriction of food, water, and medicine. Netanyahu has regularly disregarded the Biden administration’s guidance and requests regarding military strategy and the delivery of humanitarian assistance.  He’s a corrupt, authoritarian leader who would prefer Donald Trump to be president of the United States. Undermining the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court on his behalf would be a grave strategic mistake – a mistake that Indivisible urges President Biden and congressional leaders to avoid.

“Rather than eroding legitimate paths to seeking peace and justice, the US should prioritize securing an immediate and permanent ceasefire, returning all hostages to their families, and taking steps towards security for all in the region.“

Please read the latest statement below and then call your Senators/Representative:

Read’s statements on the Israel/Palestine crisis
Sen. Padilla Sacramento phone: 916-448-2787
Sen. Padilla web contact form
Sen. Butler Washington D.C. phone: 202-224-3841
Sen. Butler web contact form

Contact both Senators, but only your own Representative (for Yolo County, this will be either Rep. Mike Thompson or Rep. Doris Matsui).

Rep. Thompson Woodland phone: 530-753-5301
Rep. Thompson web contact form
Rep. Matsui Sacramento phone: (916) 498-5600
Rep. Matsui web contact form

Example call/email script (your own words are best!)

I am a constituent and I am [calling/writing] today to ask [Sen. Padilla/Sen. Butler/Rep. Thompson/Rep. Matsui] to publicly call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. It’s heartbreaking to witness the loss of civilian life in Gaza and the West Bank stemming from the Israeli military’s campaign. Any humanitarian solution to this crisis starts with stopping the bombs. Achieving safety and security for Israelis and Palestinians will not be achieved through a continued campaign of collective punishment.

U.S. weapons and security aid cannot support Netanyahu’s invasion of Rafah, which would amount to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. I’m calling on [Sen. Butler/Sen. Padilla/Rep. Thompson/Rep. Matsui] to withhold arms transfers, to enforce U.S. and international laws, to follow through on the commitments of Biden’s National Security Memorandum, and to use every ounce of diplomatic leverage to prevent this accelerating nightmare.

Additionally, I was disheartened to see that Congress is considering action against the International Criminal Court. Undermining the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court on Netanyahu’s behalf would be a grave strategic mistake. Rather than eroding legitimate paths to seeking peace and justice, the US should prioritize securing an immediate and permanent ceasefire, returning all hostages to their families, and taking steps towards security for all in the region.

Contact your Senators and demand accountability for Supreme Court corruption

Some background on the Supreme Court corruption issue including Alito’s MAGA flags

Example call/email script (your own words are best!)I’m a constituent and I’m outraged by the corruption on the Supreme Court.Samuel Alito has shown time and time again that his loyalty is to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement. Yet, he’s ruling on cases related to January 6, like whether or not Trump has immunity for inciting the insurrection.
We cannot trust him to be an impartial arbiter of the law and we cannot trust the Supreme Court while he is on the bench.
I’m counting on you to call on Senator Durbin and the Senate Judiciary Committee to do everything in their power to investigate Alito and the other corrupt MAGA justices. They must uncover the truth and hold these justices accountable.

Save the date- Majority over MAGA kickoff call June 13

From Indivisible’s national organization: “Join Indivisibles nationwide on June 13th as we’re joined by a special guest (stay tuned for updates!), examine the critical impact reproductive rights will have on the election, and discuss what tactics you can take to combat MAGA extremism, engage voters, and amplify our voices during the upcoming Majority Over MAGA Weekend of Action.”

RSVP for Majority over MAGA kickoff call June 13 @ 5pm

Interested in getting involved in Indivisible Yolo?

Check out our Link tree for up-to-date events and info!
Indivisible Yolo event calendar
Fill out the volunteer interest form now!
email us at

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