Holding Assemblymember Haney Accountable

6 mins read

Let Asm. Haney know you’re disappointed that he kept our power bills and healthcare costs high

AB 1999 and AB 2200, two bills we have been pushing for, died in the Appropriations Committee last week. 

AB 1999 would have capped the Utility Tax at $10 per month and prohibited it from rising faster than inflation. 

AB 2200 would have established a state-wide guaranteed healthcare system.

Asemblymember Haney, who is a member of the Appropriations Committee, did not vote for these bills and made no effort to pass them through the Appropriations Committee.

Contact Assemblymember Haney and tell him you’re disappointed in his failure to support these bills.

Support AB 3233: The local Environmental Choice and Safety Act

Pollution from local gas and oil production causes serious harm to human health and to the environment. We need regulation to curb these harms.

In recent years, several California cities, including Los Angeles, have attempted to limit these activities, but one local ordinance has already been overturned by the California Supreme Court. AB 3233 would uphold the right of local governments to regulate gas and oil production. It recently passed out of committee and will soon come to the floor of the State Assembly for a vote—possibly as early as today.

Contact your Assemblymember and urge them to vote for this bill.

Public comment needed: Support federally legalizing medical marijuana

With cannabis now fully legal in a number of states, including our own, the Biden Administration has recognized that the current federal status of the substance is out of step with its medical potential and with prevailing attitudes in our society.

President Biden has been loud in asserting that the federal status of cannabis is currently way too strict. And now his Administration is putting those words into action, with Attorney General Garland proposing rulemaking to downgrade cannabis from Schedule I—the most restricted category, a total prohibition—down to Schedule III, which recognizes medical uses and the minimal potential for abuse. Schedule III controlled substances generally include other substances commonly prescribed or administered as medications.

The Drug Enforcement Administration has a notice of proposed rulemaking and a FAQ that answers some common questions.

The action has a public comment period open now through July 22. Your perspective is needed if you or someone you know has been federally prosecuted for cannabis possession, or if you are a medical professional or patient who can testify to its medical benefits.

Submit your comment at the Federal Register.

Tell your friends in swing districts: Register for Neighbor2Neighbor

Indivisible National announced a door-to-door relational organizing program in swing districts that’s ready for registration now! Neighbor2Neighbor activates friends and locals in critical electoral regions. We’ve said many times that the road to 2024 runs through California, and Neighbor2Neighbor is targeting CA-13 (Modesto), CA-22 (Hanford), CA-27 (Antelope Valley), CA-40 (Anaheim Hills), CA-41 (Palm Desert), and CA-45 (Westminster) along with several districts in other states. 

If you know people living in these districts who want to help us build the Blue Wave, tell them to register now for Neighbor2Neighbor via Indivisible National. You can also encourage your friends in other swing states to participate in Neighbor2Neighbor

Volunteers welcome: We’re looking for a social media person

This year is going to be busy and we’d love a volunteer to help with publishing social media posts. We would like someone to work with us to create, schedule, and monitor posts on the Meta Suite (Facebook and Instagram) and Threads. No prior knowledge required—we can train you!

We’re also always on the lookout for more editors, or any other help you can provide! Our newsletter team meets every Tuesday night, and we would love for you to join us.

If you’re interested in volunteering, let us know at contact@indivisiblesf.org

If you’re interested in participating in activities like drafting letters to our Members of Congress and developing our strategy for influencing them, the Indivisible SF Federal Working Group is where it happens. Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 11, 7:30 PM.

TODAY: Bay Area Coalition Phone Banks to CA, NV, and AZ: Wednesday, May 22, 5–7 PM (and every Wednesday through October 30). Join to help elect Adam Gray in CA-13 and Rudy Salas in CA-22. This phone bank also calls into swing states Nevada and Arizona. RSVP here.

Indivisible SF Federal Working Group: Tuesday, June 11, 7:30 PM. Join us to discuss strategy to influence our Members of Congress and the Biden administration to enact a progressive agenda. RSVP here.

About this week’s photo
If you’ve seen our newsletter posts on social media, you might have noticed that we include a photo or graphic with each issue.

Today’s graphic is an official photo of Matt Haney being sworn in as Assemblymember in 2022.

DemCast is an advocacy-based 501(c)4 nonprofit. We have made the decision to build a media site free of outside influence. There are no ads. We do not get paid for clicks. If you appreciate our content, please consider a small monthly donation.

Since the January 2017, more than 4,000 San Franciscans have united as Indivisible SF to march in the Women's Marches, protest the Muslim Ban, meet regularly with our Members of Congress, and make thousands of phone calls to their offices to pressure them to do everything in their power to counter the policies and politics of Trumpism. There is much work in progress and many actions to come.

Members of Indivisible SF are defined by our action and find solidarity in our shared opposition to Trump and Trumpism. Each of us explicitly reserves our individual stances on specific issues for other forums as we believe resisting Trump is more important than any single issue. We adhere to a Code of Conduct that welcomes and respects everybody.

Members of Indivisible SF come from all kinds of backgrounds and political persuasions. Some of us are first-time activists and others have been at this for decades. We are citizens and non-citizens. Most importantly, we are all patriots that want the best for our country and are willing to work for it.

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