1-seat Dem majority

2 mins read

Pennsylvania Democrats hold a one-seat majority in the 203-member PA House, putting us one heartbeat away from disaster.

One-third of the PA House are election-denying Republicans, and if they take a majority this year, they’ll go right back to restricting abortion, attacking LGBTQ+ equality, and doing whatever Donald Trump wants.

Today, we’re highlighting three red-to-blue candidates – physician assistant Stefanie Rafes, deputy prothonotary Cristian Luna and organizer Megan Kocher – who need your help to get out the vote!

Expand the one-seat Democratic majority in the PA House. Split a donation between Stefanie, Cristian, Megan, and Turn PA Blue today.

Stefanie Rafes
 (HD-187 Lehigh) is a breast cancer survivor and physician assistant specializing in cardiology. She’ll defend our healthcare from Republican cuts and attacks.

Cristian Luna
 (HD-13 Chester) helped domestic violence survivors seek justice as a bilingual legal advocate and now serves in the Chester County Prothonotary’s (clerk of court) office.

Megan Kocher
 (HD-119 Luzerne) is a 24-year-old Democratic organizer and working-class advocate running against a 23-year-old Republican incumbent in a battle for Gen Z.

All Turn PA Blue-supported Democrats will defend reproductive rights and fight MAGA election conspiracies

Bring back our Democratic billboards

Remember our 2022 pre-election billboards across swing-state Pennsylvania?

a, we’re bringing back one of our most popular programs – pro-Democratic billboards across swing-state Pennsylvania.

Democrats don’t take enough credit for our accomplishments, and we don’t invest enough in rural areas.

We need your help to put up billboards along major interstates like the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I-95 – and if we raise enough money this summer, we can save big for October and November billboards by reserving in advance.

We’re planning to remind voters that only Democrats defend Social Security, abortion rights, and more.

And, new this year, if you donate to kickstart our fall 2024 billboard program before June 30, you’ll be invited to vote on choosing the designs. Pitch in here!

DemCast is an advocacy-based 501(c)4 nonprofit. We have made the decision to build a media site free of outside influence. There are no ads. We do not get paid for clicks. If you appreciate our content, please consider a small monthly donation.

Turn PA Blue is committed to harnessing the power and energy of committed volunteers to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2020. The grassroots energy enhanced by Turn PA Blue has the ability to drive turnout and energy upward to help Democrats running across the state at all levels. Our goal is also to integrate the inclusion of new voices into the Democratic Party on all levels, with particular emphasis on strengthening the local parties whose infrastructure is vital to the growth and efficacy of the Democratic Party will also serve to “build our bench” for future candidate recruitment.

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