From the Chair’s Desk

5 mins read


Another successful Leadership Blue is in the books! It was an incredible weekend of celebrating how far we’ve come in our fight to Take Back Florida and the work still to be done on the path ahead of us toward Election Day.Florida Democrats united over a thousand strong for a weekend of panels, workshops, and town halls designed to prepare us on the road to election day. From panels on gun violence prevention and reproductive rights to town halls uplifting the voices of people of color, Leadership Blue 2024 was a time to engage in the issues most affecting the Floridians.We unveiled our new mascot, the Florida Panther, and to open the gala, Brevard School Board member Jennifer Jenkins starred as Senator Katie Britt in an SNL-style spoof to hold Florida Republicans accountable.Every panel, guest speaker, and conversation exemplified that when Florida Democrats come together, magic happens. At our biggest event of the year, Florida Democrats showed out and proved that Florida is worth fighting for.To our wonderful volunteers for helping make this conference so special, and to all our attendees, thank you for a magical weekend. We will see you next year!

Nikki Fried
Florida Democratic Party

Sign up Step 1: Complete Onboarding Form

Sign up Step 2: Complete one of the two 10DLC Forms below:

If you are an organization, candidate, or DEC using your own 10DLC registration, you must submit Movement Labs’ 10DLC form. If you are a DEC who is approved to use Hey Florida’s 10DLC registration, you must submit Hey Florida’s 10DLC form.

Florida Panther
The cat’s out of the bag: we have a new mascot!We gave the donkey the boot, and you can show your support by getting your very own Florida Panther hoodie!

Click Here to View our Merch

Data/VAN Updates

Please ensure you & your team of VAN users are submitting any questions, inquiries, and requests to the data team using our Data Support Ticket for the quickest resolution. The latest voter file update went live in VAN on May 7th. VAN is now current with the voter file through 3/31/24.The FDP has added 3 tiers of volunteer recruitment targets to all chartered DEC, Club, & Caucus VAN committees. You can find these targets in Create a List and in Counts & Crosstabs. Read more here.Check out our VBM Update Schedule for the 2024 cycle for a breakdown of what data is being tracked via our statewide VBM activist code & the Early Voting bucket/module in VAN. While the SOEs will not resume providing VBM data to the FDP until mid-June: if you do happen to get your hands on your county’s current VBM requestor data, please feel free to bulk upload to VAN or submit as a data ticket for the FDP to bulk upload.Check out our 2024 Data Hub here that houses all of our important data documents, resources, & training links.

Run for Office

All Candidates Call | May 20 @ 7 PM

Hosted by the Florida Democratic Party. Join the Florida Democratic Party and our special guest speakers for our monthly All Candidates Call. This is an opportunity for candidates to stay in the know on important party initiatives and programs, hear from key stakeholders around the state about 2024 elections, and have an opportunity to ask questions. For filed 2024 candidates only. You must pre-register to attend.

NDTC + Florida Democratic Party

The National Democratic Training Committee is excited to partner with the Florida Democratic Party to provide FREE training to Democratic candidates, campaign staff, and local leaders.

As the largest Democratic campaign training organization in the nation, we have trained more Democrats on how to win elections and build long-term power than any other organization.


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DemCast is an advocacy-based 501(c)4 nonprofit. We have made the decision to build a media site free of outside influence. There are no ads. We do not get paid for clicks. If you appreciate our content, please consider a small monthly donation.

Florida Democrats believe in effective and efficient government that prioritizes quality education, affordable health care, and an economy in which anyone who works hard can succeed.

Most importantly, we believe that we are stronger together. We believe the fundamental American promise — that you can go as far as your own hard work will take you — should shine brightest in Florida.

That is why we champion the middle class and cherish the principle that all Floridians should have the opportunity to work hard and succeed. That is why we will never stop fighting for better public schools, because education is the surest path to a better life for millions.

From standing for affordable health care and better schools to fighting for civil rights and access to the ballot box, Florida Democrats are leading every day to move our state forward.

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