Forward Kentucky

Forward Kentucky is an independent media organization focused on progressive news and issues in Kentucky. Our objectives are to provide journalism that is objective, policies that are effective, and commentary that is progressive. Our goal is to help Kentucky become all that it can be through government that works, for all. We are "the progressive voice for Kentucky politics."

Forward Kentucky

Forward Kentucky Update

Notes from Bruce Hello! Here’s this week’s Subscribers & Members newsletter. As always, it’s got a listing of everything published since the last newsletter a week ago; the most-read piece from the past

Forward Kentucky

Forward Kentucky Newsletter

Notes from Bruce Good morning! This is our second Subscribers and Members newsletter, and this perk is only available to all of you, so thanks for signing up! Our number of subscribers and members


This Week’s Stories From Forward Kentucky

 VIEW ONLINE → Click here for subscriber information: Notes from Bruce This Week’s Stories This week’s most-read story The four groups pushing the sham CRT controversy – and why A graduate-level academic

Forward Kentucky

Forward Kentucky-Latest Posts

Notes from Bruce Hello! A few updates: I’ve added the Most Read and Most Shared symbols to the list of stories, so you can see what other readers thought were stories worth

Forward Kentucky

Latest posts-Forward Kentucky

Notes from Bruce Hello! A few updates from ForwardKY headquarters (otherwise known as my den): My wife and I have been exceptionally busy the past few months getting the house ready to

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